>> May 20, 2006

hello there little people,
since i realised almost every other class has a class t shirt lets randomly post up designs to pretend we are in discussion of making one! ;D :D :X :S :G :L :P did you know you cannot put your face to every single smiley face letter available!?

so anyway,
hows this for a design?

okay so anyway i don't know why but it went up
so please don't faint over the colours
their just to show the range of colours!
well i was just rather bored

we can happpily decide on a colour happily with no lawsuits involved

thats if if you want it

either that
someone makes other designs
or we have a jersey
which sounds rather cool


so anyway
details on class outing

ice skating rink
10 a.m.

the scholars won't be able to make it cos they have to save money D:
but don't worry
when you come back from your cool country
we'll go on another one!

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