>> May 20, 2006

Look at the super big crowd at our class's stall (:

Heh. Pam, don't kill me.

See, our class booth is so popular *propoganda* that even Mr. Mark Lo visited it! Oh, the VIP touch!

A big thanks to all those who helped.
Our wonderful coordinators -
Pam, Tab, Jer, Wen Loong.

Oh yes, and all those who didn't abandon their duties and manned their booths!
Kudos to Andy for being a walking advertsement!

Sheena, Chenchel for staying back to count tickets although we had to recount like three times.
OH YES, we exceeded our target of 200 dollars in profits.
If i am not wrong, we earned about 280 dollars - check with chenchel or sheena.

Three cheers for 06ip01!

Cheers, your secretary.

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