>> April 03, 2006

tickets selling at
$10 - third level
$12 - back half of first level and second level
$15 - front of first level.

tickets will be a first come first serve basis, and you have till friday to hand in the money, but i suggest you do so earlier bacause you will be getting to choose your seats.please go support the NJC DANCE! its gonna be great!

number two : $7 for the strings workshop to be handed in to sharon by tmr.

number three : talantine - EVERYONE IN CLASS SHALL GO SUPPORT THE BAND! well unless if you can't make it i assume its a life-or-death situation.bacause AIRBUS is the only ip1 group performing band!

number four : class cushions - rules
-they are to be stored in the tent
-try not to place them under your butt on your chair.
-do not hug them when you are all sweaty or stinky
-thou shall not touch the floor EVER.

that's al

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